Pay What You Please Online Course Event


Healing is for everyone.

It’s so important to me that folks have access to healing tools. I have heard such wonderful feedback about the attachment-focused courses I’ve created that I want to share the opportunity for more people to take them and tap into the resources available to all of us to heal our relational patterns and pass down healthier ways of interacting with one another.

Here’s how it works: for any of my online courses, Healing Anxious Attachment or Understanding Avoidant Attachment, or TEND: A Secure Attachment Deep Dive, you have the option to use the discount codes below to purchase the courses for up to HALF OFF. I trust that folks will pay what they are able, whether that’s half or more than half. This discount does not apply to the course bundle, but you are able to purchase all of the courses separately using the codes below.

I am asking one thing of people who are utilizing the discounts for this event: could you please spread the word to ONE person you know who might benefit from this work? This offer gives them a chance to give my work and style a try with less financial risk. I would be so grateful if you sent this information along to someone who is ready to do some healing work around attachment, family patterns, early childhood wounding, and intimate relationships.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at!

discount code for use at checkout

Discount codes correspond to percentage off the total cost. Simply enter the number below at checkout for your discount!


Please note: you are welcome to purchase ALL of the courses at a discount, but you need to do so individually—the Course Bundle is not eligible for discount. Support Bundles are excluded from this sale. Thank you!