The Understanding Avoidant Attachment Online Course

I want to support you in deeply understanding the avoidant attachment style so you can heal yourself, your relationships, and your family line. The work you do now changes everything from here on out. This course is designed for folks who have the avoidant style AND for their partners, family members, and friends who want to support them and learn strategies to create a stronger sense of connection and intimacy. The course is self-paced, so you work on it whenever you have time!

healing anxious attachment online course

If you experience anxious attachment--always wanting more from your partner, feeling dissatisfied with your relationship connection, and feeling unsettled or worried when you are apart, I want you to know I totally get it. I understand how stressful it is to experience anxious attachment moments--and I want to support you in healing those old patterns so you can experience more ease, calm, and joy in your relationships with others. This is a self-guided course that will support you in creating healthier patterns so you can experience more security in your relationships with others.

NEW! Interested in both the Healing Anxious Attachment Online Course and the Understanding Avoidant Attachment Online Course? You can now purchase a course bundle and save money (woo hoo!). Learn more about the Anxious & Avoidant Online Course Bundle here!

Support Bundle for Healthy Relationships

This bundle was created to support you on your self-healing journey. The bundle contains 28 (yes! 28!!!) attachment-focused prompts that encourage you to dig deeper into your healing work. The bundle also includes links to amazing tools and resources to round out your practice, give you some new insight and perspective, and enhance your learning. It’s totally self-paced, so you can sit down and do a new prompt daily for a month or come back to the bundle when you have the time and energy to do so.

Support Bundle for Working Through Disconnection in Relationships

The Working Through Disconnection Support Bundle is a set of worksheets and a coaching recording created to provide guideposts in navigating these moments of disconnection. The worksheets can be used over and over again, supporting you in becoming more efficient at resolving your arguments. The recording serves as a reset button to pull you and your partner back to center and remind you of why you’re together and that you’re a team.

Support Bundle for the highly sensitive person

We know how challenging it can be to experience the world as a highly sensitive person. We want to offer you concrete, practical, useful tools to transform feelings of overstimulation and overwhelm into ease, groundedness, and peace.

This support bundle includes printable worksheets you can use daily, journal prompts, quick facts & resources, and a meditation to support healthy boundary-setting and an increased sense of empowerment and comfort.